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Nephew Organics

Ginger Living Bitters

Ginger Living Bitters

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price $50.00 USD Sale price $40.00 USD
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Introducing our Ginger Bitter, a powerful and natural remedy that offers a multitude of health benefits. Derived from the potent ginger root, this incredible elixir has been used for centuries to alleviate various ailments and promote overall well-being.

One of the key advantages of our Ginger Bitter is its ability to treat nausea. Whether it's caused by motion sickness, morning sickness, or even chemotherapy-induced nausea, this remarkable tonic can provide relief and restore a sense of calm.

Additionally, our Ginger Bitter possesses exceptional anti-inflammatory properties. It can effectively reduce muscle pain and soreness, making it an ideal choice for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, or anyone seeking relief from everyday aches and pains.

Indigestion is another common issue that our Ginger Bitter can address. By soothing the digestive system and promoting healthy gut function, it aids in treating indigestion, bloating, and even acid reflux, allowing you to enjoy your meals without discomfort.

Furthermore, our Ginger Bitter has been shown to lower cholesterol levels. High cholesterol is a significant risk factor for heart disease, and by incorporating this natural remedy into your routine, you can take proactive steps towards maintaining a healthy heart.

Last but not least, our Ginger Bitter has been found to improve brain function. Its active compounds have neuroprotective properties that enhance cognitive abilities, memory, and focus. By incorporating this tonic into your daily regimen, you can support your brain health and optimize your mental performance.

For optimal results, we suggest taking one ounce of our detox formula in the morning and another ounce in the evening, preferably on an empty stomach. To fully experience the benefits, it is important to complete the detox within a week, which consists of seven consecutive days.

Ingredients: ginger, senna leaves, mango leaf powder, cloves, sinzen roots, aloe, black seeds, black pepper, acai, cinnamon, spearmint, moringa leaves




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